The reality series Shahs of Sunset follows the lives of wealthy Persian Americans living in Beverly Hills. Reza Farahan, Golnesa Gharachedaghi, Sammy Younai, Asa Soltan Rahmati, Mike Shouhed, and Mercedes Javid starred in the first season of the show, and past Shah stars include Lily Ghalichi and Shervin Roohparvar.
Ryan Seacrest is an executive producer of the show. Shahs of Sunset was canceled in 2022 after nine seasons.
Network: Bravo
First Episode Date: March 11, 2012
- Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi
- Mercedes "MJ" Javid (married to Tommy Feight)
- Reza Farahan (married to Adam Neely)
- Mike Shouhed (dating Paulina Ben-Cohen)
- Destiney Rose
- Nema Vand
- Sara Jeihooni
Where to Watch: Peacock, Hulu, Amazon Prime