How to pronounce margherita

In 1849 Emanuele Rocco recorded different pizza toppings like basil, tomatoes and thin slices of mozzarella; the mozzarella was thinly sliced, and arranged with a flower-shape over the tomato sauce, along with the basil leaves: this may be the real origin of the name Margherita (meaning daisy).

How do you say Margherita in Italian?

The correct pronunciation of pizza margherita is pee-tsa mahr-geh-ree-tah. The first element to note is that the “g” in margherita is a hard “g” and not a “j” sound. In Italian, whenever you find a “gh”, the “g” is always pronounced as a hard “g”, as you can hear in the audio pronunciation.

Is it Margherita or margarita?

A margarita is an alcoholic cocktail made with tequila, triple sec and lime juice. While a margarita uses tequila and lime juice, a margherita pizza is one with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and fresh basil.

What does Margherita mean?

Origin and history

In 1849 Emanuele Rocco recorded different pizza toppings like basil, tomatoes and thin slices of mozzarella; the mozzarella was thinly sliced, and arranged with a flower-shape over the tomato sauce, along with the basil leaves: this may be the real origin of the name Margherita (meaning daisy).

Why is it called Margherita?

It was this chef who invented a dish called ”Pizza Margherita,” to honour the Queen and the Kindgom of Italy, since the toppings–tomato(red), mozzarella (white) and basil (green)–represented the colours of its national flag.

